Thank You

[embed][/embed] A film featuring famous names associated with the town has been created by Cause UK for the Harrogate Convention Centre. It thanks the NHS, construction workers, the army, and…

A film featuring famous names associated with the town has been created by Cause UK for the Harrogate Convention Centre.

It thanks the NHS, construction workers, the army, and the health and social care teams, who have worked tirelessly to transform the venue into a temporary hospital.

The film features BBC Look North anchor Harry Gration, model David Gandy and adventurer Bear Grylls– who both have family in Yorkshire – singer Alfie Boe, who has performed many times in Harrogate, and actor Kevin Guthrie, star of The English Game which was filmed in Yorkshire.

Clair Challenor-Chadwick, Managing Director of Cause UK, said: “The film is a welcome message reflecting the strong arts, performance, and events reputation of Harrogate and it looks forward to when our town is open once more.”

Harrogate Convention Centre has been lit blue every Thursday at 8pm as part of the AEV UK initiative, which has seen over 60 theatres, cathedrals and national landmarks #lightitblue coinciding with the public #clapforourcarers.

Photo credit: Danny Lawson, PA Media

We thank the famous faces who took part, and also thanks to Katie Greenhalf from This Film .