Cause UK to launch New Digital Magazine

Cause UK will be launching a new digital magazine in spring 2016 aimed at the Recovery market.  Hooked Magazine is being funded by UnLtd, the Foundation of social entrepreneurs, and will…

Cause UK will be launching a new digital magazine in spring 2016 aimed at the Recovery market.  Hooked Magazine is being funded by UnLtd, the Foundation of social entrepreneurs, and will be available globally in App stores.

Hooked will support those in recovery and functioning addicts. It will address all types of addiction including alcohol, drugs, tobacco, food, digital and gambling.

The magazine aims to be at the forefront of cultural change and will promote well-being through positive storytelling, shared experiences and information about lifestyle products and venues.

Clair Challenor-Chadwick who is leading on the project said “The Hooked brand will be the ‘go to’ accessible and intelligent magazine in the UK. Initially it will be published digitally via an app platform, making it available to a global audience. It will progress to an interactive website.”

The magazine will feature comment, related news, blogs, discussion forums, analysis, expert advice, celebrity features, video interviews and reports, fashion, food, diet and nutrition, fitness, health, mindfulness, sport, relationships and reviews of travel, clubs, clinics, spas, dry bars, restaurants, books, music, art, dance and theatre.

Fact File

  • This country is now the “addictions capital of Europe”, according to the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ).
  •  There are 1.5 million alcoholics in the UK and a million in recovery. Half of all adults binge drink regularly and more than 9 million people in England alone regularly drink more than the recommended daily limits. (Alcohol Concern).
  • It is also estimated that about 11.2 million people aged 16 to 59 in England and Wales have taken an illicit drug at some point in their lifetime with about 2.7 million people having taken drugs in the last year. (UK Focal Point on Drugs)
  • Around 12 million people in the UK suffer from compulsive overeating to some extent (National Centre for Eating Disorders)
  • In the UK, around 350,000 people suffer from a gambling addiction. It is easier than ever before to gamble (Gambling Addiction)
  • There are about 10 million adults who smoke: 22% of men and 17% of women. (ASH)