Cause UK specialise in supporting ethical businesses, good causes, festivals and the arts with award winning public relations services.
The Harrogate Festivals have 2 tickets for the price of £30 offer for Cause UK clients and friends, hope to see you there! Please quote ‘SALON30’ when booking. The Key to Wealth…
The Harrogate Festivals have 2 tickets for the price of £30 offer for Cause UK clients and friends, hope to see you there! Please quote ‘SALON30’ when booking.
Salon North presents a series of events that offer a key to life-changing subjects: Wealth and Happiness.
Salon is London’s most talked about night out brought to the north by Harrogate International Festivals. It delivers a night of the most stimulating ideas in art, science and psychology designed to change your life for the better.
The revolutionary movement for the heart and mind is the brainchild of cultural commentator Helen Bagnall. Helen said: “It offers audiences a unique chance to really unlock the secrets to a fulfilled life, looking at these fundamental areas. The aim is to give audiences life-affirming knowledge from the best minds at work in their fields today.”
The format consists of an evening of three speakers, each given 30 minutes to engage the audience with their subject. All events take place at 7.30pm at the Masonic Hall, Harrogate.
‘Wealth’ is the topic for November 27. Economic advisor to Vince Cable, Vicky Pryce, author of Greekonomics and Prisonomics offers a rounded understanding on the definition of wealth and why it’s so important on the world stage.
Margaret Heffernan, known for her high concept ideas, draws on her bestseller A Bigger Prize to show that it’s collaboration, not competition that paves the way to much wealthier lives.
And as more of us need to work into our dotage neuroscientist Dr Sandrine Thuret, who heads leading research in to neurogenesis (the creation of new brain cells) at UCL, reveals how food can keep cognitive function in tip top condition.
As we struggle with New Year resolutions and the winter blues, ‘Happiness’ is the focus on 29 January, 2015.
Professor of Cardiovascular medicine at Oxford University Robin Choudhury presents his revealing work which shows why happiness is extremely good news for our hearts, as he takes us on a visual bio-medical tour of our most precious organ.
Happiness can be the hardest thing to attain. Leading child psychologist and author of The Skeleton Cupboard Tanya Byron reveals why childhood is such an important time to lay down the grounds of happiness.
Food scientist and Head of Development at Hotel du Chocolat, Adam Geileskey, will explore the links between chocolate and happiness via the medium of tasting, giving you the gift of happiness even if just for one melting moment.
Tickets are £18, seating is unreserved. To find out more or book online visit: or call the Box Office on 01423 562 303