Cause UK specialise in supporting ethical businesses, good causes, festivals and the arts with award winning public relations services.
Cause UK worked with Harrogate Skills 4 Living Centre before the onset of the pandemic to help them develop the Harrogate Chocolate Factory story. Clair at Cause UK suggested the…
Cause UK worked with Harrogate Skills 4 Living Centre before the onset of the pandemic to help them develop the Harrogate Chocolate Factory story.
Clair at Cause UK suggested the name – Harrogate Chocolate Factory – for the new venture.
It has been a real pleasure to support a new social enterprise, and as chocolate lovers (who isn’t?!), we can’t wait to visit the new Harrogate Chocolate Factory café for its official opening on 5 July 2021.
For those not in the know, the chocolate-themed café is located right next door to the Odeon cinema, and it has its own outdoor space too.
It is a testament to Hadyn Moorby-Davies’ vision and drive to work throughout the pandemic to get this project off the ground.
Hadyn is the CEO of Harrogate Skills 4 Living which, for the past 20 years, has been supporting adults with learning disabilities and autism across the Harrogate District, and beyond. Services include access to employment and housing, as well as building work skills and confidence.
From Bean to Bar
The team have sourced the very best chocolate from around the world to make top quality bars that are not only delicious, but healthy too.
The bars are made out of Peruvian Criollo beans, which are slow roasted at low temperatures to keep as many of the nutrients and antioxidants as possible to create delicious dark chocolate.
The café will serve a variety of chocolate treats, cakes, tea, coffee and sandwiches; net profits support adults with learning disabilities.
People with learning disabilities and autism will work in the café and help make the chocolate from bean to bar, as well as pack the products for sales and shipping.
Their online business is already thriving!
Do support, buy their bars, and check out their website. Indulge AND feel good doing it!