Cause UK to launch new Digital Magazine

Cause UK has received funding from UnLtd, the Foundation of Social Entrepreneurs, to launch a new digital lifestyle magazine for the recovery market. Our team will be working with Thomas Quinn, a former Daily…

Cause UK has received funding from UnLtd, the Foundation of Social Entrepreneurs, to launch a new digital lifestyle magazine for the recovery market.

Our team will be working with Thomas Quinn, a former Daily Mirror and Big Issue journalist and founder of Start Digital Publishing, which specialises in interactive magazine publications for mobile devices.

The magazine will feature comment, analysis, celebrity features, advice, travel and more, covering the full spectrum of addiction issues. The ambition is to engage addicts, those in recovery or those questioning their lifestyle choices and to help reduce the stigma of addiction.

We’ll be engaging with a group of professional journalists and addiction specialists and will launch in spring, 2016.

Clair Challenor-Chadwick who is leading on the project said, “More people are choosing the recovery lifestyle. The magazine aims to be at the forefront of cultural change and the recovery movement. The new Magazine will be called Hooked Magazine and will be available globally in App stores.”

Fact File

  • This country is now the “addictions capital of Europe”, according to the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ).
  •  There are 1.5 million alcoholics in the UK and a million in recovery. Half of all adults binge drink regularly and more than 9 million people in England alone regularly drink more than the recommended daily limits. (Alcohol Concern).
  • It is also estimated that about 11.2 million people aged 16 to 59 in England and Wales have taken an illicit drug at some point in their lifetime with about 2.7 million people having taken drugs in the last year. (UK Focal Point on Drugs)
  • Around 12 million people in the UK suffer from compulsive overeating to some extent (National Centre for Eating Disorders)
  • In the UK, around 350,000 people suffer from a gambling addiction. It is easier than ever before to gamble (Gambling Addiction)
  • There are about 10 million adults who smoke: 22% of men and 17% of women. (ASH)