Cause UK specialise in supporting ethical businesses, good causes, festivals and the arts with award winning public relations services.
Cooking up a storm for vulnerable veterans with Marco Pierre White and Rosemary Shrager.
We support and work with social enterprise across the UK and even set up our own! A social enterprise is an organisation that ‘trades for good.’
Veterans’ Artisan Bakery
Cause UK was tasked with generating funds to set up Veterans’ Artisan Bakery – a bakery, kitchen and coffee point at Catterick Garrison in North Yorkshire to serve as a working and therapeutic bakery for veterans who are struggling to adjust to Civvy Street.
Cause UK worked with the Yorkshire Post to launch the campaign. ‘Chance of a fresh start for veterans who have suffered for their country’
We joined forces with Marco Pierre White to support the project and negotiated with Hesco Bastion to pledge much of the initial funding to get the bakery off the ground. See Marco’s video of support here.
The bakery opened in February 2012. Press coverage of the launch included a wealth of local papers from the Hebden Bridge Times to Wetherby News, Darlington & Stockton Times, The Advertiser series, York Press, Ilkley Gazette, as well as BBC Radio York, BBC Radio Tees and Garrison Radio all broadcast live from the launch. BFBS Radio and TV also broadcast programmes on air and on TV on their network to troops serving abroad.
The story featured on Calendar News and Look North as well as on the BBC Online. Cause UK also posted a bespoke film on YouTube and used Twitter to publicise the story.
Follow on features include Yorkshire Life, Inside Housing magazine and others. BBC Radio Four did a special Easter Sunday Food Programme dedicated to the therapy of baking bread. See further summary of media achieved here.
Work with the Bakery is on-going, and Cause attended a Remembrance Day event hosted by Nick Clegg in the Centenary Year. Work also continues with Rosemary Shrager and Gregg’s on developing our bespoke Veterans biscuit range.