Branding: Getting to Know You

Case Study LGBT Youth North West In 2014, Clair Challenor-Chadwick, MD of Cause UK spent three months with the team at LGBT Youth North West in Manchester and conducted a…

Case Study

LGBT Youth North West

In 2014, Clair Challenor-Chadwick, MD of Cause UK spent three months with the team at LGBT Youth North West in Manchester and conducted a re-branding exercise.  Hosting workshops and surveys with over 100 service users, staff and trustees to help inform a new brand identity for the organisation.

This involved Clair attending an away day at Howarth Youth Hostel and working with young people on shaping their ideas to help inform a new brand, as well as consulting and presenting to the Board of Trustees.

Clair worked with the senior management team and presented an options paper and briefed the teams chosen website designers and photographers.   She also compiled case studies and a marketing plan for the relaunch of their new brand.

See www.

The Proud Trust is a life saving and life enhancing organisation that helps young people empower themselves to make a positive change for themselves and their communities. They do this through youth groups, peer support, managing the LGBT centre for Manchester, delivering of training and events, Campaigns, undertaking research and creating resources.